Relieve Pregnancy & Postpartum-Related Pains With Physical Therapy

Pregnancy brings on a lot of changes, not only mentally and to your lifestyle, but physically, too. Over the course of your pregnancy you may experience a number of new aches and pains in your back, hips, pelvis, and more. For some women, the pain continues after pregnancy and many experience postpartum pain or discomfort.  While these ailments can sometimes be relieved with rest or stretching, physical therapy can be a great way to learn how to properly and safely exercise to alleviate pain during and after pregnancy.

What are some common pregnancy and postpartum-related pains?

Every woman is different, and each will experience different ailments during her pregnancy. The most common complaints during pregnancy and postpartum include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Nerve compression syndromes like carpal tunnel
  • Core weakness
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Muscle spasms
North Attleboro Physical Therapist providing back pain relief

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy & Postpartum Pain and Physical Therapy

When pregnant, your body releases a hormone called Relaxin. Much like its name, this hormone causes your muscles and ligaments to relax, which can stretch them in different directions and put pressure on your back, pelvis, or hip. Sometimes, just the positioning of your baby is enough to place pressure on certain muscles and also cause these pains.

During the postpartum phase, your body is still dealing with fluctuating hormones that can affect the muscoskeletal system. Additionally, the physical effects of giving birth can start to take a toll on your body in the form of spine mobility, core weakness, imbalances, and more.

At Performance Evolution, Dr. Christopher Gomes, will work with you one-on-one to address your concerns and come up with a plan of action to get your body back on track. Your treatment plan will vary based on your condition and stage in pregnancy, but may include muscle energy techniques, stabilization exercises, pelvic floor exercises, and more. Dr. Gomes may also give you a list of exercises to practice while you’re at home, too.

Physical therapy is perfectly safe to begin at any point in pregnancy. Most women don’t feel many aches or pains until the third trimester, and choose to start their physical journey then. Others begin treatment earlier as a preventative or to stop minor aches and pains from increasing. If you’re unsure if physical therapy is right for you, be sure to always consult with your doctor.

Depending on your condition and instructions from your doctor, you may be able to being physical therapy as soon as 2-3 weeks after birth. According to The American College of Obstestrics and Gynecology, women should seek postpartum care 4-6 weeks after giving birth, and this appointment may be a great time to ask your doctor about the benefits of physical therapy. In short, always consult your doctor to find when the best time to start physical therapy is.

I’ve decided to begin physical therapy—now what?

Depending on insurance, patients may or may not need a referral for physical therapy. However, Massachusetts is a direct access state, meaning patients are free to choose the physical therapist of their choice without a referral. Give us a call today at (781) 859-4189 or request an appointment online

About Us

PhysioHealth Physical Therapy was founded by Dr. Christopher Gomes, DPT, OCS, CSCS. Our clinic provides specialized care within a friendly and professional environment. At PhysioHealth you will receive one-on-one treatment that is evidence-based and personalized to meet your goals. You will always receive comprehensive education on your injury and recovery plan in order to maximize your knowledge and results.

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