Hamstring Strains (also known as Hamstring Tendinopathies) are common due to the rapid acceleration and deceleration of the muscle and tendon over time. This injury can occur in sports or daily life. Hamstring strains show up in many different forms and have a noteworthy re-injury rate that could sideline you from sports or life events if it is not correctly treated. For best outcomes this injury should be addressed with a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan that is guided by a qualified professional. One of the reasons this injury persists is through self-symptomatic treatment meaning the individual self manages their injury to reduce their pain but it is not comprehensive enough to fully progress them from rehabilitation to performance. The goal at Performance Evolution is to keep patients as active as their injury allows and then progress them with the education and treatment to maximize their recovery.

Hamstring Strain Prevention Tips

    1. Daily Stretching –

      Daily stretching is a great way to maximize the health and mobility of your muscles and joints. Setting aside 5-10 minutes each morning or before sports is a great way to loosen the muscles and get them ready for activity.

    2. Strengthening –

      Completing a comprehensive strengthening program that consists of functional movements will help to maintain a healthy muscle balance and reduce your risk of injury.

    3. Increase Activity Appropriately –

      Appropriately does not necessarily mean “Slow”. Appropriately means it should be based on your fitness level and exercise age. If you are new to exercise or have not worked out much then your warm-up and performance intensity should be less strenuous than someone who has been activity training and working quickly through movement progressions.

    4. Stop if You Feel Pain – 

      If you feel pain in the hamstring stop the activity and give yourself some rest to let the muscle and tendon recover. Sometimes the energy stores in the muscle need to replenish.

    5.   Physical Therapy Screen – 

      Understanding your individual anatomy and movement is key to injury prevention. Minor corrections and education can be vital to you avoiding injury. At Performance Evolution Dr. Chris offers movement screens for prospective and active patients.