Fall Prevention

Protect Yourself or a Loved One With Physical Therapy.

Each year millions of older adults fall. In fact, each year, more than one out of every four older adults falls.1 This is a very high number considering many falls are unreported. Of the reported yearly falls, an estimated 3 million older adults are treated in the Emergency Departments.2 Falls can lead to fractures (common locations are hips and shoulders), brain injuries, lengthy hospitalizations, and  medical complications. Seeing the right physical therapist will help eliminate your chance of a fall.

What causes a fall to happen?

There are several causes  that could lead to a fall. Many of them are preventable with the right treatment plan.

  • Muscle Weakness
  • Hip and Knee Arthritis Causing Joint Stiffness
  • Polypharmacy (Consuming >3 medications)
  • History of Neurological Conditions (Such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, or Cerebral Palsy)
  • Improper Footwear
  • Impaired Vision (In Particular in Dim Lighting)
  • Clutter on Floor
  • Limited Handicap Accessible Equipment in Household

Can I prevent a fall at home?

Yes, there are a few household recommendations to follow that will make you safer in your home. Some of those tips include; removing clutter from the floor, ensuring proper lighting during the night time, using the correct assistive device as prescribed by a medical professional, and installing the proper handicap-accessible equipment in your house (i.e., ramps, railings, grab bars, and slip resistant mats for the shower/tub).

When is it time to see a physical therapist?

If you or a loved one is starting to have trouble moving around the home or in the community, it is important to see a physical therapist to start your treatment plan. Falls happen at unexpected time, and can cause personal injury, significant financial loss, extended hospital stays, and medical complications. Dr. Christopher Gomes at Performance Evolution PT uses a one-on-one approach combined with evidence-based care and standardized measurements.

What can I expect from physical therapy?

Dr. Christopher Gomes will complete an extensive evaluation on your first day, including a thorough explanation of your results. Based on your results, Dr. Gomes will design an individualized treatment plan for you. Treatment length depends on what you need. Our Fall Prevention program is comprehensive and will result in safer outcomes.

How do I get started?

Call us today at (781) 859-4189 or request an appointment online. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may need a referral for physical therapy. We will assist you in calling your insurance plan to determine what is necessary for you. Self-Pay options are available for people who do not have insurance coverage at the time of service.


  1. Bergen G, Stevens MR, Burns ER. Falls and Fall Injuries Among Adults Aged ≥65 Years — United States, 2014.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:993–998. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6537a2
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Web–based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. Accessed October 11, 2022.